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Patagonia 2013: Trekking the “W” at Torres del Paine One of a group of posts from an"autumn" trip to Patagonia. If you just drive around Torres del Paine National Park in far-southern Chile, you'll be very impressed. But "you ain't seen nothin'" unless you've hiked deep into the More...Cuba 2012 (Part 1) Since 1963, it’s been illegal for Americans to visit Cuba. So when the opportunity came up for me to go (legally!) for a couple of weeks last month, I grabbed my cameras and jumped on a plane to Havana. More... →Camping at Squaw Lake I met my Dad in southern Colorado for a week of horseback riding and general goofing off. My brother-in-law Bill and a friend of his (Derald Glover) joined us for a camping trip to Squaw Lake. It rained and sleeted More... →Scotland 2014: Gylen Castle The Scottish Isle of Kerrera is just a few hundred yards off the mainland west coast, near the town of Oban in the southern part of the Inner Hebrides. A few dozen people (one of whom tends to 100 More... →The Road to Uaxactun (Guatemala) The muddy, bumpy, 14-mile trek to the town (and the archaeological sites) of Uaxuctun takes just over an hour. So that’s how much time I got to spend with a blind, 100-year-old Guatemalan man named Julio and his great-grandson, Manuel. More... →