It’s year NINE for our Superheroes Run — benefiting Child Advocates of Houston, and as always presented by MRE Consulting – thanks to good friends Mike, Shane, and Dru. MORE THANKS to all the other sponsors, friends, volunteers, race crew, and CA staff who made this happen. We’ve raised over $1 million for a great cause by doing this event each October since 2013. I’ve bragged, begged, and preached about it every year (See, e.g., 2016, and 2019), so I’ll get right to the cute photos.
NOTICE that there are 4 pages of thumbnails. (As always, I need to point out that these are NOT photos of the kids in state custody that are the beneficiaries of CA’s services. We don’t publish their pictures. These are Houston kids whose families brought them out to have fun and support a great cause.)